This morning’s game was extremely frustrating as I feel on balance we deserved something from it. Both Aarran and I thought that the performance was really good in patches and at times our play was simply superb. However, we were let down by silly mistakes which cost us dearly but also a lack of resilience, especially having grafted so hard to get back in the game at 3-3!

Attacking wise I think we looked great and really the only thing that was lacking today was clinical finishing, we had loads more opportunities on goal than Strikers however they punished us with their strikes.

Defensively we also had some good moments but this wasn’t consistent throughout the match. This is not a dig just at our defenders but us as a team defensively overall. There were many times when players didn’t get back to help out and they over ran us. We really must try to be horrible to play against when we do not have the ball and literally harass our opponents until we get the ball back. All too often today it was just too easy for Strikers and this needs to change in our play, let’s be hungry for the ball, not give opponents time to play, harass them and generally be a real pain to play against!