It has come to the club’s attention in the past 24 hours that the leagues decision to call our season null and void is not final and is subject to further process and appeal.

Accordingly, whilst we want to be cautious in managing expectations, its our intention to ensure our voice is heard.

There are several ways we will do this, both individually as a club and collectively with a growing swathe of other clubs joining the cause. Indeed we are in touch and working with a number of clubs to deliver our message to the FA.

Our view as a management committee is that, had we had the ability to provide input, we would have strongly advised that the season should not have been declared null and void. Instead, we unanimously agree that it should be allowed to conclude whenever safe to do so. That way a number of things could be achieved.

1. It would be a fair way of concluding the season.

2. Any implications and impact could be pushed into next season, where any treatment can be applied equally to everyone on a level playing field.

3. To be treated equally with all clubs throughout the football pyramid, including the professional and National league competition.

Things will probably move with some pace so we will keep you updated through the web site and on social media.

Stay Safe
Barry Hunter
Chairman: Worthing FC